Roberta Oswald
Roberta Oswald, Valley Property Sales & ManagementPhone: (707) 339-0233
Email: [email protected]

Tag: Home Maintenance

Posted on 12/29/2024
DIY: Preventative Plumbing Maintenance
Your home's pipes, toilets and other plumbing fixtures can develop leaks or other problems over time. Even minor plumbing problems can end up leading to serious water damage if they're not found early enough. Taking steps to keep your plumbing in good shape can help lower the risk of dealing with major plumbing issues. Performing the following preventive...
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Posted on 06/11/2023
Why you should invest in routine HVAC maintenance
Your HVAC system is responsible for keeping your home feeling as warm or cool as needed, so it's important to keep it in good condition. Wear and tear can occur as your HVAC system runs over the years, which can result in damage or inefficient heating and cooling. Having routine HVAC maintenance done can help keep your system...
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Posted on 02/27/2022
4 Home plumbing issues you can solve
Plumbing problems can happen from time to time, but you don't always have to call a plumber for repairs. You can fix minor plumbing issues on your own, which is a great way to save money and prevent more serious problems from happening, such as major water leaks. The following are some easy DIY plumbing repairs for your...
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Posted on 11/29/2020
Common HVAC Issues
Image by ClassicallyPrinted from Pixabay If you own a home with an HVAC unit you may replace filters every once in a while but the maintenance needed for the long-term health of the system is a little more involved. If not identified early, small issues can compound over time and become quite costly to remedy. The most common...
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